sunshine blogger tag

Well met, fair friends, and welcome to the woods. I have not been tagged to do this tag, but it's the best way to not do Greek homework right now, and Grim offered it to anyone who wanted it. So here we go. Do you listen to podcasts, and if so what’s your favorite? I… Continue reading sunshine blogger tag

some folk music from Grim

Hello all. If you do not know, one of my very best friends (known 'round these parts as the Grim Writer) has a wonderful blog where she talks all things writing, folk music, life, death, and the intersection of the four. If you haven't checked it out, you should do so. She's always recommending folk… Continue reading some folk music from Grim

the “I’ll get around to it later” tag

... which I will not, in fact, get around to later, because I am doing it now! Thanks to Liesl for tagging me. (Before we get into this post, just a quick announcement that I meant to participate in Grim's "Remember, O Thou Man" but found myself out of time to do so... I may… Continue reading the “I’ll get around to it later” tag